IP WHOIS Database

Comprehensive, contextual, and updated IP WHOIS database allows you to look up an IP address and domain ownership, point of contact, organization, networks etc. The different types of WHOIS database we offer are:

  • Additional Databases
  • WHOIS ASN (Autonomous System Numbers)
  • WHOIS MNT (Maintainer)
  • WHOIS NET (Network)
  • WHOIS ORG (Organization)
  • WHOIS POC (Point of Contact)

Database Schema

RWHOIS Database

Parsed and normalized data we have collected from different RIRs. We also provide additional fields to provide context to the data. The RWHOIS database contains the following fields:


RIR WHOIS data is created by parsing IP WHOIS data from the regional Internet Registries. Aside from normalizing and structuring the data from different RIR, we include additional contexts and insights. The RIR WHOIS Database can be found from here:

Information and sample of other RIR databases data can be found here.

Sample Databases
