IP address details
Reseaux IP Europeens Network Coordination Centre (RIPE NCC) ·www.ripe.net
IP address details
Reseaux IP Europeens Network Coordination Centre (RIPE NCC) ·www.ripe.net
  • Summary IP.CC
  • Prefixes
  • Peers
  • Upstream
  • Downstream
  • Graphs
  • World Map
  • WHOIS Details
  • IX


  • As Number
  • Org Name
    Reseaux IP Europeens Network Coordination Centre (RIPE NCC)
  • Country
  • Country Code
  • Website
  • Regional Registry
  • Allocated Date
    15th September 1999
  • Allocated Status
  • Ipv4 Prefixes
  • Ipv6 Prefixes
  • Ipv4 Peers
  • Ipv6 Peers
  • Ipv4 Upstreams
  • Ipv6 Upstreams


There are 29 IPv4 Prefixes for this ASN.

Announced Prefix
Parent Prefix
European Union84.205.69.0/24
RIPE NCC Operations
European Union84.205.76.0/24
RIPE NCC Operations
European Union84.205.86.0/24
RIPE NCC Operations
European Union84.205.88.0/24
RIPE NCC Operations
European Union84.205.90.0/24
RIPE NCC Operations
  • 1
  • 2
IP Ranges API
Get this data and more with IPinfo's powerful IP Ranges API - quickly and easily identify company-owned IP ranges.
Useful for GameTech, and Advertising Technology
IP Ranges API
Get this data and more with IPinfo's powerful IP Ranges API - quickly and easily identify company-owned IP ranges.
Useful for GameTech, and Advertising Technology


There are 64 IPv4 Peers for this ASN.

SURFnet, The Netherlands
United StatesAS11164
United StatesAS1239
Web hosting, colocation and cloud services
IT.Gate S.p.A.
United StatesAS1280
Internet Systems Consortium, Inc.
European Backbone of
Job Snijders
United StatesAS19151
BroadbandONE, LLC
Russian FederationAS20764
Retelit Digital Services S.p.A.
UAB "Cgates"
United StatesAS21700
Neptune Networks, LLC
IP Backbone of WIIT AG (formerly myLoc managed IT AG)
Internet Initiative Japan Inc.
Asia Pacific Network Information Centre
equada network GmbH
Dominican RepublicAS265721
Cable Atlantico SRL
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
ASN data
ASN details for every IP address and every ASN’s related domains, allocation date, registry name, total number of IP addresses, and assigned prefixes.
Useful for Cybersecurity
ASN data
ASN details for every IP address and every ASN’s related domains, allocation date, registry name, total number of IP addresses, and assigned prefixes.
Useful for Cybersecurity


There are 42 IPv4 Upstreams for this ASN.

SURFnet, The Netherlands
United StatesAS1239
Web hosting, colocation and cloud services
IT.Gate S.p.A.
United StatesAS1280
Internet Systems Consortium, Inc.
European Backbone of
Job Snijders
United StatesAS19151
BroadbandONE, LLC
Russian FederationAS20764
Retelit Digital Services S.p.A.
United StatesAS21700
Neptune Networks, LLC
IP Backbone of WIIT AG (formerly myLoc managed IT AG)
Internet Initiative Japan Inc.
Dominican RepublicAS265721
Cable Atlantico SRL
IELO Main Network
United StatesAS2914
NTT America, Inc.
United KingdomAS3170
VeloxServ Communications Ltd
xTom GmbH
Internet service provider operations
meerfarbig GmbH & Co. KG
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
ASN data
ASN details for every IP address and every ASN’s related domains, allocation date, registry name, total number of IP addresses, and assigned prefixes.
Useful for Cybersecurity
ASN data
ASN details for every IP address and every ASN’s related domains, allocation date, registry name, total number of IP addresses, and assigned prefixes.
Useful for Cybersecurity


There are 0 IPv4 Downstreams for this ASN.

  • 1
ASN data
ASN details for every IP address and every ASN’s related domains, allocation date, registry name, total number of IP addresses, and assigned prefixes.
Useful for Cybersecurity
ASN data
ASN details for every IP address and every ASN’s related domains, allocation date, registry name, total number of IP addresses, and assigned prefixes.
Useful for Cybersecurity


AS12654 Combined Upstream Graph AS12654 AS12654 AS513 AS513 AS12654->AS513 AS1103 AS1103 AS12654->AS1103 AS1239 AS1239 AS12654->AS1239 AS1280 AS1280 AS12654->AS1280 AS2497 AS2497 AS12654->AS2497 AS2914 AS2914 AS12654->AS2914 AS3170 AS3170 AS12654->AS3170 AS3214 AS3214 AS12654->AS3214 AS3320 AS3320 AS12654->AS3320 AS6391 AS6391 AS12654->AS6391 AS6453 AS6453 AS12654->AS6453 AS6461 AS6461 AS12654->AS6461 AS6894 AS6894 AS12654->AS6894 AS8218 AS8218 AS12654->AS8218 AS8387 AS8387 AS12654->AS8387 AS8455 AS8455 AS12654->AS8455 AS8607 AS8607 AS12654->AS8607 AS9002 AS9002 AS12654->AS9002 AS12637 AS12637 AS12654->AS12637 AS12779 AS12779 AS12654->AS12779 AS13237 AS13237 AS12654->AS13237 AS15562 AS15562 AS12654->AS15562 AS19151 AS19151 AS12654->AS19151 AS20764 AS20764 AS12654->AS20764 AS20811 AS20811 AS12654->AS20811 AS21700 AS21700 AS12654->AS21700 AS24961 AS24961 AS12654->AS24961 AS29075 AS29075 AS12654->AS29075 AS34549 AS34549 AS12654->AS34549 AS35280 AS35280 AS12654->AS35280 AS41095 AS41095 AS12654->AS41095 AS41327 AS41327 AS12654->AS41327 AS44684 AS44684 AS12654->AS44684 AS46997 AS46997 AS12654->AS46997 AS47147 AS47147 AS12654->AS47147 AS48362 AS48362 AS12654->AS48362 AS49434 AS49434 AS12654->AS49434 AS50304 AS50304 AS12654->AS50304 AS50629 AS50629 AS12654->AS50629 AS59105 AS59105 AS12654->AS59105 AS265721 AS265721 AS12654->AS265721 AS6939 AS6939 AS12654->AS6939 AS8758 AS8758 AS12654->AS8758 AS8888 AS8888 AS12654->AS8888 AS13030 AS13030 AS12654->AS13030 AS25091 AS25091 AS12654->AS25091 AS35426 AS35426 AS12654->AS35426 AS58057 AS58057 AS12654->AS58057 AS204092 AS204092 AS12654->AS204092 AS174 AS174 AS513->AS174 AS21320 AS21320 AS513->AS21320 AS3257 AS3257 AS1103->AS3257 AS24785 AS24785 AS1103->AS24785 AS1299 AS1299 AS1280->AS1299 AS2497->AS2914 AS2497->AS6453 AS2497->AS6461 AS2497->AS174 AS2497->AS1299 AS7018 AS7018 AS2497->AS7018 AS3356 AS3356 AS2497->AS3356 AS5511 AS5511 AS2497->AS5511 AS2914->AS1239 AS2914->AS2497 AS2914->AS7018 AS2914->AS3257 AS701 AS701 AS2914->AS701 AS3170->AS3257 AS3214->AS1299 AS3214->AS3356 AS3214->AS5511 AS3320->AS2497 AS3320->AS7018 AS3320->AS701 AS6762 AS6762 AS3320->AS6762 AS6391->AS174 AS6391->AS3257 AS6453->AS1239 AS6453->AS2497 AS6453->AS3356 AS6461->AS1239 AS6461->AS2497 AS6461->AS7018 AS6461->AS701 AS6894->AS174 AS8218->AS6461 AS1764 AS1764 AS8387->AS1764 AS8455->AS3356 AS8607->AS3356 AS9002->AS1239 AS9002->AS1299 AS9002->AS3356 AS9002->AS3257 AS12637->AS2914 AS12637->AS174 AS12637->AS1299 AS12779->AS2914 AS12779->AS6461 AS12779->AS3257 AS13237->AS1239 AS13237->AS2914 AS13237->AS3257 AS15562->AS2914 AS19151->AS2497 AS19151->AS2914 AS19151->AS6461 AS209 AS209 AS19151->AS209 AS20764->AS1239 AS20764->AS174 AS20764->AS3356 AS20811->AS3356 AS21700->AS174 AS21700->AS3257 AS24961->AS3356 AS29075->AS1239 AS29075->AS174 AS29075->AS1299 AS29075->AS3356 AS29075->AS5511 AS34549->AS3356 AS34549->AS3257 AS35280->AS2914 AS35280->AS6453 AS35280->AS6461 AS35280->AS1299 AS35280->AS3356 AS41095->AS2497 AS41095->AS6461 AS41095->AS3356 AS41327->AS1239 AS44684->AS2914 AS44684->AS1299 AS46997->AS6939 AS38008 AS38008 AS46997->AS38008 AS47147->AS2914 AS47147->AS3320 AS47147->AS9002 AS47147->AS1299 AS48362->AS9002 AS49434->AS3257 AS50304->AS6461 AS50304->AS1299 AS50629->AS2914 AS2518 AS2518 AS59105->AS2518 AS9370 AS9370 AS59105->AS9370 AS23520 AS23520 AS265721->AS23520 AS6939->AS2497 AS6939->AS7018 AS6939->AS701 AS8758->AS9002 AS15576 AS15576 AS8758->AS15576 AS8888->AS3356 AS13030->AS2497 AS13030->AS1299 AS25091->AS1239 AS25091->AS6453 AS25091->AS1299 AS25091->AS3257 AS25091->AS5511 AS35426->AS3257 AS58057->AS34549 AS58057->AS6939 AS30781 AS30781 AS204092->AS30781 AS34019 AS34019 AS204092->AS34019 AS174->AS1239 AS174->AS2497 AS174->AS2914 AS174->AS1299 AS174->AS7018 AS174->AS3356 AS174->AS3257 AS21320->AS6461 AS1299->AS2914 AS1299->AS3356 AS1299->AS3257 AS1299->AS701 AS3356->AS2497 AS3356->AS2914 AS3356->AS1299 AS3356->AS7018 AS3356->AS3257 AS3549 AS3549 AS3356->AS3549 AS3356->AS209 AS3356->AS701 AS3257->AS2497 AS3257->AS3356 AS209->AS3356 AS1273 AS1273 AS24785->AS1273 AS5511->AS7018 AS5511->AS701 AS1764->AS174 AS38008->AS174 AS38008->AS3356 AS23764 AS23764 AS38008->AS23764 AS23764->AS2914 AS23764->AS1299 AS23764->AS3257 AS7473 AS7473 AS23764->AS7473 AS7473->AS6461 AS2518->AS2914 AS2516 AS2516 AS2518->AS2516 AS9370->AS2914 AS9370->AS2516 AS2516->AS3356 AS2516->AS3257 AS2516->AS701 AS23520->AS1299 AS1273->AS701 AS15576->AS3257 AS30781->AS3356 AS30781->AS5511 AS29169 AS29169 AS34019->AS29169 AS29169->AS3257
AS12654 Combined Upstream Graph AS12654 AS12654 AS513 AS513 AS12654->AS513 AS1103 AS1103 AS12654->AS1103 AS1239 AS1239 AS12654->AS1239 AS1280 AS1280 AS12654->AS1280 AS2497 AS2497 AS12654->AS2497 AS2914 AS2914 AS12654->AS2914 AS3170 AS3170 AS12654->AS3170 AS3214 AS3214 AS12654->AS3214 AS3320 AS3320 AS12654->AS3320 AS6391 AS6391 AS12654->AS6391 AS6453 AS6453 AS12654->AS6453 AS6461 AS6461 AS12654->AS6461 AS6894 AS6894 AS12654->AS6894 AS8218 AS8218 AS12654->AS8218 AS8387 AS8387 AS12654->AS8387 AS8455 AS8455 AS12654->AS8455 AS8607 AS8607 AS12654->AS8607 AS9002 AS9002 AS12654->AS9002 AS12637 AS12637 AS12654->AS12637 AS12779 AS12779 AS12654->AS12779 AS13237 AS13237 AS12654->AS13237 AS15562 AS15562 AS12654->AS15562 AS19151 AS19151 AS12654->AS19151 AS20764 AS20764 AS12654->AS20764 AS20811 AS20811 AS12654->AS20811 AS21700 AS21700 AS12654->AS21700 AS24961 AS24961 AS12654->AS24961 AS29075 AS29075 AS12654->AS29075 AS34549 AS34549 AS12654->AS34549 AS35280 AS35280 AS12654->AS35280 AS41095 AS41095 AS12654->AS41095 AS41327 AS41327 AS12654->AS41327 AS44684 AS44684 AS12654->AS44684 AS46997 AS46997 AS12654->AS46997 AS47147 AS47147 AS12654->AS47147 AS48362 AS48362 AS12654->AS48362 AS49434 AS49434 AS12654->AS49434 AS50304 AS50304 AS12654->AS50304 AS50629 AS50629 AS12654->AS50629 AS59105 AS59105 AS12654->AS59105 AS265721 AS265721 AS12654->AS265721 AS6939 AS6939 AS12654->AS6939 AS8758 AS8758 AS12654->AS8758 AS8888 AS8888 AS12654->AS8888 AS13030 AS13030 AS12654->AS13030 AS25091 AS25091 AS12654->AS25091 AS35426 AS35426 AS12654->AS35426 AS58057 AS58057 AS12654->AS58057 AS204092 AS204092 AS12654->AS204092 AS174 AS174 AS513->AS174 AS21320 AS21320 AS513->AS21320 AS3257 AS3257 AS1103->AS3257 AS24785 AS24785 AS1103->AS24785 AS1299 AS1299 AS1280->AS1299 AS2497->AS2914 AS2497->AS6453 AS2497->AS6461 AS2497->AS174 AS2497->AS1299 AS7018 AS7018 AS2497->AS7018 AS3356 AS3356 AS2497->AS3356 AS5511 AS5511 AS2497->AS5511 AS2914->AS1239 AS2914->AS2497 AS2914->AS7018 AS2914->AS3257 AS701 AS701 AS2914->AS701 AS3170->AS3257 AS3214->AS1299 AS3214->AS3356 AS3214->AS5511 AS3320->AS2497 AS3320->AS7018 AS3320->AS701 AS6762 AS6762 AS3320->AS6762 AS6391->AS174 AS6391->AS3257 AS6453->AS1239 AS6453->AS2497 AS6453->AS3356 AS6461->AS1239 AS6461->AS2497 AS6461->AS7018 AS6461->AS701 AS6894->AS174 AS8218->AS6461 AS1764 AS1764 AS8387->AS1764 AS8455->AS3356 AS8607->AS3356 AS9002->AS1239 AS9002->AS1299 AS9002->AS3356 AS9002->AS3257 AS12637->AS2914 AS12637->AS174 AS12637->AS1299 AS12779->AS2914 AS12779->AS6461 AS12779->AS3257 AS13237->AS1239 AS13237->AS2914 AS13237->AS3257 AS15562->AS2914 AS19151->AS2497 AS19151->AS2914 AS19151->AS6461 AS209 AS209 AS19151->AS209 AS20764->AS1239 AS20764->AS174 AS20764->AS3356 AS20811->AS3356 AS21700->AS174 AS21700->AS3257 AS24961->AS3356 AS29075->AS1239 AS29075->AS174 AS29075->AS1299 AS29075->AS3356 AS29075->AS5511 AS34549->AS3356 AS34549->AS3257 AS35280->AS2914 AS35280->AS6453 AS35280->AS6461 AS35280->AS1299 AS35280->AS3356 AS41095->AS2497 AS41095->AS6461 AS41095->AS3356 AS41327->AS1239 AS44684->AS2914 AS44684->AS1299 AS46997->AS6939 AS38008 AS38008 AS46997->AS38008 AS47147->AS2914 AS47147->AS3320 AS47147->AS9002 AS47147->AS1299 AS48362->AS9002 AS49434->AS3257 AS50304->AS6461 AS50304->AS1299 AS50629->AS2914 AS2518 AS2518 AS59105->AS2518 AS9370 AS9370 AS59105->AS9370 AS23520 AS23520 AS265721->AS23520 AS6939->AS2497 AS6939->AS7018 AS6939->AS701 AS8758->AS9002 AS15576 AS15576 AS8758->AS15576 AS8888->AS3356 AS13030->AS2497 AS13030->AS1299 AS25091->AS1239 AS25091->AS6453 AS25091->AS1299 AS25091->AS3257 AS25091->AS5511 AS35426->AS3257 AS58057->AS34549 AS58057->AS6939 AS30781 AS30781 AS204092->AS30781 AS34019 AS34019 AS204092->AS34019 AS174->AS1239 AS174->AS2497 AS174->AS2914 AS174->AS1299 AS174->AS7018 AS174->AS3356 AS174->AS3257 AS21320->AS6461 AS1299->AS2914 AS1299->AS3356 AS1299->AS3257 AS1299->AS701 AS3356->AS2497 AS3356->AS2914 AS3356->AS1299 AS3356->AS7018 AS3356->AS3257 AS3549 AS3549 AS3356->AS3549 AS3356->AS209 AS3356->AS701 AS3257->AS2497 AS3257->AS3356 AS209->AS3356 AS1273 AS1273 AS24785->AS1273 AS5511->AS7018 AS5511->AS701 AS1764->AS174 AS38008->AS174 AS38008->AS3356 AS23764 AS23764 AS38008->AS23764 AS23764->AS2914 AS23764->AS1299 AS23764->AS3257 AS7473 AS7473 AS23764->AS7473 AS7473->AS6461 AS2518->AS2914 AS2516 AS2516 AS2518->AS2516 AS9370->AS2914 AS9370->AS2516 AS2516->AS3356 AS2516->AS3257 AS2516->AS701 AS23520->AS1299 AS1273->AS701 AS15576->AS3257 AS30781->AS3356 AS30781->AS5511 AS29169 AS29169 AS34019->AS29169 AS29169->AS3257

World Map

WHOIS Details

% This is the RIPE Database query service.
% The objects are in RPSL format.
% The RIPE Database is subject to Terms and Conditions.
% See https://docs.db.ripe.net/terms-conditions.html

% Information related to 'AS12654'

% Abuse contact for 'AS12654' is '[email protected]'

aut-num: AS12654
as-name: RIPE-NCC-RIS-AS
descr: Reseaux IP Europeens Network Coordination Centre (RIPE NCC)
remarks: RIPE NCC RIS project
remarks: http://www.ripe.net/ris/
remarks: The RIPE NCC RIS collects routing data using
remarks: several remote route collectors that peer
remarks: and store all updates and routes.
remarks: This information is made available to
remarks: the public in several ways
remarks: --------------------------
remarks: Different subsets of the routes in AS12654:RS-RIS are
remarks: announced at each location.
remarks: If you do not peer with RIS yet, please support us
remarks: by doing so. The RIS is a free, open service
remarks: set up to help operators, researchers and others.
remarks: Send in your peering requests through:
remarks: http://www.ris.ripe.net/cgi-bin/peerreg.cgi
status: ASSIGNED
created: 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z
last-modified: 2024-10-15T11:15:02Z
source: RIPE
admin-c: GII-RIPE
tech-c: GII-RIPE
remarks: === RRC00 at RIPE-NCC Multihop, Amsterdam, Netherlands ===
import: from AS-RIS-RRC00 action pref=100; accept ANY
export: to AS-RIS-RRC00 announce AS12654:RS-RIS
mp-import: from AS-RIS-RRC00 action pref=100; accept ANY
mp-export: to AS-RIS-RRC00 announce AS12654:RS-RIS
remarks: === RRC01 at LINX / LONAP, London, United Kingdom ===
import: from AS-RIS-RRC01 action pref=100; accept ANY
export: to AS-RIS-RRC01 announce AS12654:RS-RIS
mp-import: from AS-RIS-RRC01 action pref=100; accept ANY
mp-export: to AS-RIS-RRC01 announce AS12654:RS-RIS
remarks: === RRC03 at AMS-IX / NL-IX, Amsterdam, Netherlands ===
import: from AS-RIS-RRC03 action pref=100; accept ANY
export: to AS-RIS-RRC03 announce AS12654:RS-RIS
mp-import: from AS-RIS-RRC03 action pref=100; accept ANY
mp-export: to AS-RIS-RRC03 announce AS12654:RS-RIS
remarks: === RRC04 at CIXP, Geneva, Switzerland ===
import: from AS-RIS-RRC04 action pref=100; accept ANY
export: to AS-RIS-RRC04 announce AS12654:RS-RIS
mp-import: from AS-RIS-RRC04 action pref=100; accept ANY
mp-export: to AS-RIS-RRC04 announce AS12654:RS-RIS
remarks: === RRC05 at VIX, Vienna, Austria ===
import: from AS-RIS-RRC05 action pref=100; accept ANY
export: to AS-RIS-RRC05 announce AS12654:RS-RIS
mp-import: from AS-RIS-RRC05 action pref=100; accept ANY
mp-export: to AS-RIS-RRC05 announce AS12654:RS-RIS
remarks: === RRC06 at DIX-IE / JPIX, Tokyo, Japan ===
import: from AS-RIS-RRC06 action pref=100; accept ANY
export: to AS-RIS-RRC06 announce AS12654:RS-RIS
mp-import: from AS-RIS-RRC06 action pref=100; accept ANY
mp-export: to AS-RIS-RRC06 announce AS12654:RS-RIS
remarks: === RRC07 at Netnod, Stockholm, Sweden ===
import: from AS-RIS-RRC07 action pref=100; accept ANY
export: to AS-RIS-RRC07 announce AS12654:RS-RIS
mp-import: from AS-RIS-RRC07 action pref=100; accept ANY
mp-export: to AS-RIS-RRC07 announce AS12654:RS-RIS
remarks: === RRC10 at MIX, Milan, Italy ===
import: from AS-RIS-RRC10 action pref=100; accept ANY
export: to AS-RIS-RRC10 announce AS12654:RS-RIS
mp-import: from AS-RIS-RRC10 action pref=100; accept ANY
mp-export: to AS-RIS-RRC10 announce AS12654:RS-RIS
remarks: === RRC11 at NYIIX, New York City, New York, US ===
import: from AS-RIS-RRC11 action pref=100; accept ANY
export: to AS-RIS-RRC11 announce AS12654:RS-RIS
mp-import: from AS-RIS-RRC11 action pref=100; accept ANY
mp-export: to AS-RIS-RRC11 announce AS12654:RS-RIS
remarks: === RRC12 at DE-CIX, Frankfurt, Germany ===
import: from AS-RIS-RRC12 action pref=100; accept ANY
export: to AS-RIS-RRC12 announce AS12654:RS-RIS
mp-import: from AS-RIS-RRC12 action pref=100; accept ANY
mp-export: to AS-RIS-RRC12 announce AS12654:RS-RIS
remarks: === RRC13 at MSK-IX, Moscow, Russian Federation ===
import: from AS-RIS-RRC13 action pref=100; accept ANY
export: to AS-RIS-RRC13 announce AS12654:RS-RIS
mp-import: from AS-RIS-RRC13 action pref=100; accept ANY
mp-export: to AS-RIS-RRC13 announce AS12654:RS-RIS
remarks: === RRC14 at PAIX, Palo Alto, California, US ===
import: from AS-RIS-RRC14 action pref=100; accept ANY
export: to AS-RIS-RRC14 announce AS12654:RS-RIS
mp-import: from AS-RIS-RRC14 action pref=100; accept ANY
mp-export: to AS-RIS-RRC14 announce AS12654:RS-RIS
remarks: === RRC15 at PTTMetro, Sao Paulo, Brazil ===
import: from AS-RIS-RRC15 action pref=100; accept ANY
export: to AS-RIS-RRC15 announce AS12654:RS-RIS
mp-import: from AS-RIS-RRC15 action pref=100; accept ANY
mp-export: to AS-RIS-RRC15 announce AS12654:RS-RIS
remarks: === RRC16 at NOTA, Miami, Florida, US ===
import: from AS-RIS-RRC16 action pref=100; accept ANY
export: to AS-RIS-RRC16 announce AS12654:RS-RIS
mp-import: from AS-RIS-RRC16 action pref=100; accept ANY
mp-export: to AS-RIS-RRC16 announce AS12654:RS-RIS
remarks: === RRC18 at Catnix, Barcelona, Spain ===
import: from AS-RIS-RRC18 action pref=100; accept ANY
export: to AS-RIS-RRC18 announce AS12654:RS-RIS
mp-import: from AS-RIS-RRC18 action pref=100; accept ANY
mp-export: to AS-RIS-RRC18 announce AS12654:RS-RIS
remarks: === RRC19 at NAP Africa JB, Johannesburg, South Africa ===
import: from AS-RIS-RRC19 action pref=100; accept ANY
export: to AS-RIS-RRC19 announce AS12654:RS-RIS
mp-import: from AS-RIS-RRC19 action pref=100; accept ANY
mp-export: to AS-RIS-RRC19 announce AS12654:RS-RIS
remarks: === RRC20 at SwissIX, Zurich, Switzerland ===
import: from AS-RIS-RRC20 action pref=100; accept ANY
export: to AS-RIS-RRC20 announce AS12654:RS-RIS
mp-import: from AS-RIS-RRC20 action pref=100; accept ANY
mp-export: to AS-RIS-RRC20 announce AS12654:RS-RIS
remarks: === RRC21 at France-IX, Paris, France ===
import: from AS-RIS-RRC21 action pref=100; accept ANY
export: to AS-RIS-RRC21 announce AS12654:RS-RIS
mp-import: from AS-RIS-RRC21 action pref=100; accept ANY
mp-export: to AS-RIS-RRC21 announce AS12654:RS-RIS
remarks: === RRC22 at InterLAN, Bucharest, Romania ===
import: from AS-RIS-RRC22 action pref=100; accept ANY
export: to AS-RIS-RRC22 announce AS12654:RS-RIS
mp-import: from AS-RIS-RRC22 action pref=100; accept ANY
mp-export: to AS-RIS-RRC22 announce AS12654:RS-RIS
remarks: === RRC23 at Equinix SG, Singapore, Singapore ===
import: from AS-RIS-RRC23 action pref=100; accept ANY
export: to AS-RIS-RRC23 announce AS12654:RS-RIS
mp-import: from AS-RIS-RRC23 action pref=100; accept ANY
mp-export: to AS-RIS-RRC23 announce AS12654:RS-RIS
remarks: === RRC24 at LACNIC Multihop, Montevideo, Uruguay ===
import: from AS-RIS-RRC24 action pref=100; accept ANY
export: to AS-RIS-RRC24 announce AS12654:RS-RIS
mp-import: from AS-RIS-RRC24 action pref=100; accept ANY
mp-export: to AS-RIS-RRC24 announce AS12654:RS-RIS
remarks: === RRC25 at RIPE-NCC Multihop, Amsterdam, Netherlands ===
import: from AS-RIS-RRC25 action pref=100; accept ANY
export: to AS-RIS-RRC25 announce AS12654:RS-RIS
mp-import: from AS-RIS-RRC25 action pref=100; accept ANY
mp-export: to AS-RIS-RRC25 announce AS12654:RS-RIS
remarks: === RRC26 at UAE-IX, Dubai, UAE ===
import: from AS-RIS-RRC26 action pref=100; accept ANY
export: to AS-RIS-RRC26 announce AS12654:RS-RIS
mp-import: from AS-RIS-RRC26 action pref=100; accept ANY
mp-export: to AS-RIS-RRC26 announce AS12654:RS-RIS

organisation: ORG-RIEN1-RIPE
org-name: Reseaux IP Europeens Network Coordination Centre (RIPE NCC)
country: NL
org-type: LIR
descr: RIPE NCC Operations
address: P.O. Box 10096
address: 1001 EB
address: Amsterdam
phone: +31205354444
fax-no: +31205354445
e-mail: [email protected]
admin-c: MENN1-RIPE
admin-c: MDIR-RIPE
abuse-c: ops4-ripe
mnt-ref: RIPE-NCC-HM-MNT
mnt-ref: RIPE-NCC-MNT
mnt-by: RIPE-NCC-MNT
created: 2012-03-09T13:21:52Z
last-modified: 2023-12-05T13:40:03Z
source: RIPE

role: RIPE NCC Global Information Infrastructure Team
address: RIPE NCC
address: Stationsplein 11
address: 1012 AB Amsterdam
address: The Netherlands
phone: +31 20 535 4444
fax-no: +31 20 535 4445
e-mail: [email protected]
tech-c: ARHB-RIPE
tech-c: PDW
tech-c: FOBS
tech-c: HB6938-RIPE
tech-c: MG26819-RIPE
tech-c: MPLS-RIPE
tech-c: SMOT-RIPE
nic-hdl: GII-RIPE
mnt-by: RIPE-GII-MNT
notify: [email protected]
created: 2012-04-24T15:44:16Z
last-modified: 2024-02-02T14:13:27Z
source: RIPE

% This query was served by the RIPE Database Query Service version 1.114 (DEXTER)

% This is the RIPE Database query service.
% The objects are in RPSL format.
% The RIPE Database is subject to Terms and Conditions.
% See https://docs.db.ripe.net/terms-conditions.html

% Information related to 'AS12654'

% Abuse contact for 'AS12654' is '[email protected]'

aut-num: AS12654
as-name: RIPE-NCC-RIS-AS
descr: Reseaux IP Europeens Network Coordination Centre (RIPE NCC)
remarks: RIPE NCC RIS project
remarks: http://www.ripe.net/ris/
remarks: The RIPE NCC RIS collects routing data using
remarks: several remote route collectors that peer
remarks: and store all updates and routes.
remarks: This information is made available to
remarks: the public in several ways
remarks: --------------------------
remarks: Different subsets of the routes in AS12654:RS-RIS are
remarks: announced at each location.
remarks: If you do not peer with RIS yet, please support us
remarks: by doing so. The RIS is a free, open service
remarks: set up to help operators, researchers and others.
remarks: Send in your peering requests through:
remarks: http://www.ris.ripe.net/cgi-bin/peerreg.cgi
status: ASSIGNED
created: 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z
last-modified: 2024-10-15T11:15:02Z
source: RIPE
admin-c: GII-RIPE
tech-c: GII-RIPE
remarks: === RRC00 at RIPE-NCC Multihop, Amsterdam, Netherlands ===
import: from AS-RIS-RRC00 action pref=100; accept ANY
export: to AS-RIS-RRC00 announce AS12654:RS-RIS
mp-import: from AS-RIS-RRC00 action pref=100; accept ANY
mp-export: to AS-RIS-RRC00 announce AS12654:RS-RIS
remarks: === RRC01 at LINX / LONAP, London, United Kingdom ===
import: from AS-RIS-RRC01 action pref=100; accept ANY
export: to AS-RIS-RRC01 announce AS12654:RS-RIS
mp-import: from AS-RIS-RRC01 action pref=100; accept ANY
mp-export: to AS-RIS-RRC01 announce AS12654:RS-RIS
remarks: === RRC03 at AMS-IX / NL-IX, Amsterdam, Netherlands ===
import: from AS-RIS-RRC03 action pref=100; accept ANY
export: to AS-RIS-RRC03 announce AS12654:RS-RIS
mp-import: from AS-RIS-RRC03 action pref=100; accept ANY
mp-export: to AS-RIS-RRC03 announce AS12654:RS-RIS
remarks: === RRC04 at CIXP, Geneva, Switzerland ===
import: from AS-RIS-RRC04 action pref=100; accept ANY
export: to AS-RIS-RRC04 announce AS12654:RS-RIS
mp-import: from AS-RIS-RRC04 action pref=100; accept ANY
mp-export: to AS-RIS-RRC04 announce AS12654:RS-RIS
remarks: === RRC05 at VIX, Vienna, Austria ===
import: from AS-RIS-RRC05 action pref=100; accept ANY
export: to AS-RIS-RRC05 announce AS12654:RS-RIS
mp-import: from AS-RIS-RRC05 action pref=100; accept ANY
mp-export: to AS-RIS-RRC05 announce AS12654:RS-RIS
remarks: === RRC06 at DIX-IE / JPIX, Tokyo, Japan ===
import: from AS-RIS-RRC06 action pref=100; accept ANY
export: to AS-RIS-RRC06 announce AS12654:RS-RIS
mp-import: from AS-RIS-RRC06 action pref=100; accept ANY
mp-export: to AS-RIS-RRC06 announce AS12654:RS-RIS
remarks: === RRC07 at Netnod, Stockholm, Sweden ===
import: from AS-RIS-RRC07 action pref=100; accept ANY
export: to AS-RIS-RRC07 announce AS12654:RS-RIS
mp-import: from AS-RIS-RRC07 action pref=100; accept ANY
mp-export: to AS-RIS-RRC07 announce AS12654:RS-RIS
remarks: === RRC10 at MIX, Milan, Italy ===
import: from AS-RIS-RRC10 action pref=100; accept ANY
export: to AS-RIS-RRC10 announce AS12654:RS-RIS
mp-import: from AS-RIS-RRC10 action pref=100; accept ANY
mp-export: to AS-RIS-RRC10 announce AS12654:RS-RIS
remarks: === RRC11 at NYIIX, New York City, New York, US ===
import: from AS-RIS-RRC11 action pref=100; accept ANY
export: to AS-RIS-RRC11 announce AS12654:RS-RIS
mp-import: from AS-RIS-RRC11 action pref=100; accept ANY
mp-export: to AS-RIS-RRC11 announce AS12654:RS-RIS
remarks: === RRC12 at DE-CIX, Frankfurt, Germany ===
import: from AS-RIS-RRC12 action pref=100; accept ANY
export: to AS-RIS-RRC12 announce AS12654:RS-RIS
mp-import: from AS-RIS-RRC12 action pref=100; accept ANY
mp-export: to AS-RIS-RRC12 announce AS12654:RS-RIS
remarks: === RRC13 at MSK-IX, Moscow, Russian Federation ===
import: from AS-RIS-RRC13 action pref=100; accept ANY
export: to AS-RIS-RRC13 announce AS12654:RS-RIS
mp-import: from AS-RIS-RRC13 action pref=100; accept ANY
mp-export: to AS-RIS-RRC13 announce AS12654:RS-RIS
remarks: === RRC14 at PAIX, Palo Alto, California, US ===
import: from AS-RIS-RRC14 action pref=100; accept ANY
export: to AS-RIS-RRC14 announce AS12654:RS-RIS
mp-import: from AS-RIS-RRC14 action pref=100; accept ANY
mp-export: to AS-RIS-RRC14 announce AS12654:RS-RIS
remarks: === RRC15 at PTTMetro, Sao Paulo, Brazil ===
import: from AS-RIS-RRC15 action pref=100; accept ANY
export: to AS-RIS-RRC15 announce AS12654:RS-RIS
mp-import: from AS-RIS-RRC15 action pref=100; accept ANY
mp-export: to AS-RIS-RRC15 announce AS12654:RS-RIS
remarks: === RRC16 at NOTA, Miami, Florida, US ===
import: from AS-RIS-RRC16 action pref=100; accept ANY
export: to AS-RIS-RRC16 announce AS12654:RS-RIS
mp-import: from AS-RIS-RRC16 action pref=100; accept ANY
mp-export: to AS-RIS-RRC16 announce AS12654:RS-RIS
remarks: === RRC18 at Catnix, Barcelona, Spain ===
import: from AS-RIS-RRC18 action pref=100; accept ANY
export: to AS-RIS-RRC18 announce AS12654:RS-RIS
mp-import: from AS-RIS-RRC18 action pref=100; accept ANY
mp-export: to AS-RIS-RRC18 announce AS12654:RS-RIS
remarks: === RRC19 at NAP Africa JB, Johannesburg, South Africa ===
import: from AS-RIS-RRC19 action pref=100; accept ANY
export: to AS-RIS-RRC19 announce AS12654:RS-RIS
mp-import: from AS-RIS-RRC19 action pref=100; accept ANY
mp-export: to AS-RIS-RRC19 announce AS12654:RS-RIS
remarks: === RRC20 at SwissIX, Zurich, Switzerland ===
import: from AS-RIS-RRC20 action pref=100; accept ANY
export: to AS-RIS-RRC20 announce AS12654:RS-RIS
mp-import: from AS-RIS-RRC20 action pref=100; accept ANY
mp-export: to AS-RIS-RRC20 announce AS12654:RS-RIS
remarks: === RRC21 at France-IX, Paris, France ===
import: from AS-RIS-RRC21 action pref=100; accept ANY
export: to AS-RIS-RRC21 announce AS12654:RS-RIS
mp-import: from AS-RIS-RRC21 action pref=100; accept ANY
mp-export: to AS-RIS-RRC21 announce AS12654:RS-RIS
remarks: === RRC22 at InterLAN, Bucharest, Romania ===
import: from AS-RIS-RRC22 action pref=100; accept ANY
export: to AS-RIS-RRC22 announce AS12654:RS-RIS
mp-import: from AS-RIS-RRC22 action pref=100; accept ANY
mp-export: to AS-RIS-RRC22 announce AS12654:RS-RIS
remarks: === RRC23 at Equinix SG, Singapore, Singapore ===
import: from AS-RIS-RRC23 action pref=100; accept ANY
export: to AS-RIS-RRC23 announce AS12654:RS-RIS
mp-import: from AS-RIS-RRC23 action pref=100; accept ANY
mp-export: to AS-RIS-RRC23 announce AS12654:RS-RIS
remarks: === RRC24 at LACNIC Multihop, Montevideo, Uruguay ===
import: from AS-RIS-RRC24 action pref=100; accept ANY
export: to AS-RIS-RRC24 announce AS12654:RS-RIS
mp-import: from AS-RIS-RRC24 action pref=100; accept ANY
mp-export: to AS-RIS-RRC24 announce AS12654:RS-RIS
remarks: === RRC25 at RIPE-NCC Multihop, Amsterdam, Netherlands ===
import: from AS-RIS-RRC25 action pref=100; accept ANY
export: to AS-RIS-RRC25 announce AS12654:RS-RIS
mp-import: from AS-RIS-RRC25 action pref=100; accept ANY
mp-export: to AS-RIS-RRC25 announce AS12654:RS-RIS
remarks: === RRC26 at UAE-IX, Dubai, UAE ===
import: from AS-RIS-RRC26 action pref=100; accept ANY
export: to AS-RIS-RRC26 announce AS12654:RS-RIS
mp-import: from AS-RIS-RRC26 action pref=100; accept ANY
mp-export: to AS-RIS-RRC26 announce AS12654:RS-RIS

organisation: ORG-RIEN1-RIPE
org-name: Reseaux IP Europeens Network Coordination Centre (RIPE NCC)
country: NL
org-type: LIR
descr: RIPE NCC Operations
address: P.O. Box 10096
address: 1001 EB
address: Amsterdam
phone: +31205354444
fax-no: +31205354445
e-mail: [email protected]
admin-c: MENN1-RIPE
admin-c: MDIR-RIPE
abuse-c: ops4-ripe
mnt-ref: RIPE-NCC-HM-MNT
mnt-ref: RIPE-NCC-MNT
mnt-by: RIPE-NCC-MNT
created: 2012-03-09T13:21:52Z
last-modified: 2023-12-05T13:40:03Z
source: RIPE

role: RIPE NCC Global Information Infrastructure Team
address: RIPE NCC
address: Stationsplein 11
address: 1012 AB Amsterdam
address: The Netherlands
phone: +31 20 535 4444
fax-no: +31 20 535 4445
e-mail: [email protected]
tech-c: ARHB-RIPE
tech-c: PDW
tech-c: FOBS
tech-c: HB6938-RIPE
tech-c: MG26819-RIPE
tech-c: MPLS-RIPE
tech-c: SMOT-RIPE
nic-hdl: GII-RIPE
mnt-by: RIPE-GII-MNT
notify: [email protected]
created: 2012-04-24T15:44:16Z
last-modified: 2024-02-02T14:13:27Z
source: RIPE

% This query was served by the RIPE Database Query Service version 1.114 (DEXTER)


IP address details
Reseaux IP Europeens Network Coordination Centre (RIPE NCC) ·www.ripe.net
IP address details
Reseaux IP Europeens Network Coordination Centre (RIPE NCC) ·www.ripe.net


  • As Number
  • Org Name
    Reseaux IP Europeens Network Coordination Centre (RIPE NCC)
  • Country
  • Country Code
  • Website
  • Regional Registry
  • Allocated Date
    15th September 1999
  • Allocated Status
  • Ipv4 Prefixes
  • Ipv6 Prefixes
  • Ipv4 Peers
  • Ipv6 Peers
  • Ipv4 Upstreams
  • Ipv6 Upstreams


There are 29 IPv4 Prefixes for this ASN.

Announced Prefix
Parent Prefix
European Union84.205.69.0/24
RIPE NCC Operations
European Union84.205.76.0/24
RIPE NCC Operations
European Union84.205.86.0/24
RIPE NCC Operations
European Union84.205.88.0/24
RIPE NCC Operations
European Union84.205.90.0/24
RIPE NCC Operations
  • 1
  • 2
IP Ranges API
Get this data and more with IPinfo's powerful IP Ranges API - quickly and easily identify company-owned IP ranges.
Useful for GameTech, and Advertising Technology
IP Ranges API
Get this data and more with IPinfo's powerful IP Ranges API - quickly and easily identify company-owned IP ranges.
Useful for GameTech, and Advertising Technology


There are 64 IPv4 Peers for this ASN.

SURFnet, The Netherlands
United StatesAS11164
United StatesAS1239
Web hosting, colocation and cloud services
IT.Gate S.p.A.
United StatesAS1280
Internet Systems Consortium, Inc.
European Backbone of
Job Snijders
United StatesAS19151
BroadbandONE, LLC
Russian FederationAS20764
Retelit Digital Services S.p.A.
UAB "Cgates"
United StatesAS21700
Neptune Networks, LLC
IP Backbone of WIIT AG (formerly myLoc managed IT AG)
Internet Initiative Japan Inc.
Asia Pacific Network Information Centre
equada network GmbH
Dominican RepublicAS265721
Cable Atlantico SRL
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
ASN data
ASN details for every IP address and every ASN’s related domains, allocation date, registry name, total number of IP addresses, and assigned prefixes.
Useful for Cybersecurity
ASN data
ASN details for every IP address and every ASN’s related domains, allocation date, registry name, total number of IP addresses, and assigned prefixes.
Useful for Cybersecurity


There are 42 IPv4 Upstreams for this ASN.

SURFnet, The Netherlands
United StatesAS1239
Web hosting, colocation and cloud services
IT.Gate S.p.A.
United StatesAS1280
Internet Systems Consortium, Inc.
European Backbone of
Job Snijders
United StatesAS19151
BroadbandONE, LLC
Russian FederationAS20764
Retelit Digital Services S.p.A.
United StatesAS21700
Neptune Networks, LLC
IP Backbone of WIIT AG (formerly myLoc managed IT AG)
Internet Initiative Japan Inc.
Dominican RepublicAS265721
Cable Atlantico SRL
IELO Main Network
United StatesAS2914
NTT America, Inc.
United KingdomAS3170
VeloxServ Communications Ltd
xTom GmbH
Internet service provider operations
meerfarbig GmbH & Co. KG
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
ASN data
ASN details for every IP address and every ASN’s related domains, allocation date, registry name, total number of IP addresses, and assigned prefixes.
Useful for Cybersecurity
ASN data
ASN details for every IP address and every ASN’s related domains, allocation date, registry name, total number of IP addresses, and assigned prefixes.
Useful for Cybersecurity


There are 0 IPv4 Downstreams for this ASN.

  • 1
ASN data
ASN details for every IP address and every ASN’s related domains, allocation date, registry name, total number of IP addresses, and assigned prefixes.
Useful for Cybersecurity
ASN data
ASN details for every IP address and every ASN’s related domains, allocation date, registry name, total number of IP addresses, and assigned prefixes.
Useful for Cybersecurity


AS12654 Combined Upstream Graph AS12654 AS12654 AS513 AS513 AS12654->AS513 AS1103 AS1103 AS12654->AS1103 AS1239 AS1239 AS12654->AS1239 AS1280 AS1280 AS12654->AS1280 AS2497 AS2497 AS12654->AS2497 AS2914 AS2914 AS12654->AS2914 AS3170 AS3170 AS12654->AS3170 AS3214 AS3214 AS12654->AS3214 AS3320 AS3320 AS12654->AS3320 AS6391 AS6391 AS12654->AS6391 AS6453 AS6453 AS12654->AS6453 AS6461 AS6461 AS12654->AS6461 AS6894 AS6894 AS12654->AS6894 AS8218 AS8218 AS12654->AS8218 AS8387 AS8387 AS12654->AS8387 AS8455 AS8455 AS12654->AS8455 AS8607 AS8607 AS12654->AS8607 AS9002 AS9002 AS12654->AS9002 AS12637 AS12637 AS12654->AS12637 AS12779 AS12779 AS12654->AS12779 AS13237 AS13237 AS12654->AS13237 AS15562 AS15562 AS12654->AS15562 AS19151 AS19151 AS12654->AS19151 AS20764 AS20764 AS12654->AS20764 AS20811 AS20811 AS12654->AS20811 AS21700 AS21700 AS12654->AS21700 AS24961 AS24961 AS12654->AS24961 AS29075 AS29075 AS12654->AS29075 AS34549 AS34549 AS12654->AS34549 AS35280 AS35280 AS12654->AS35280 AS41095 AS41095 AS12654->AS41095 AS41327 AS41327 AS12654->AS41327 AS44684 AS44684 AS12654->AS44684 AS46997 AS46997 AS12654->AS46997 AS47147 AS47147 AS12654->AS47147 AS48362 AS48362 AS12654->AS48362 AS49434 AS49434 AS12654->AS49434 AS50304 AS50304 AS12654->AS50304 AS50629 AS50629 AS12654->AS50629 AS59105 AS59105 AS12654->AS59105 AS265721 AS265721 AS12654->AS265721 AS6939 AS6939 AS12654->AS6939 AS8758 AS8758 AS12654->AS8758 AS8888 AS8888 AS12654->AS8888 AS13030 AS13030 AS12654->AS13030 AS25091 AS25091 AS12654->AS25091 AS35426 AS35426 AS12654->AS35426 AS58057 AS58057 AS12654->AS58057 AS204092 AS204092 AS12654->AS204092 AS174 AS174 AS513->AS174 AS21320 AS21320 AS513->AS21320 AS3257 AS3257 AS1103->AS3257 AS24785 AS24785 AS1103->AS24785 AS1299 AS1299 AS1280->AS1299 AS2497->AS2914 AS2497->AS6453 AS2497->AS6461 AS2497->AS174 AS2497->AS1299 AS7018 AS7018 AS2497->AS7018 AS3356 AS3356 AS2497->AS3356 AS5511 AS5511 AS2497->AS5511 AS2914->AS1239 AS2914->AS2497 AS2914->AS7018 AS2914->AS3257 AS701 AS701 AS2914->AS701 AS3170->AS3257 AS3214->AS1299 AS3214->AS3356 AS3214->AS5511 AS3320->AS2497 AS3320->AS7018 AS3320->AS701 AS6762 AS6762 AS3320->AS6762 AS6391->AS174 AS6391->AS3257 AS6453->AS1239 AS6453->AS2497 AS6453->AS3356 AS6461->AS1239 AS6461->AS2497 AS6461->AS7018 AS6461->AS701 AS6894->AS174 AS8218->AS6461 AS1764 AS1764 AS8387->AS1764 AS8455->AS3356 AS8607->AS3356 AS9002->AS1239 AS9002->AS1299 AS9002->AS3356 AS9002->AS3257 AS12637->AS2914 AS12637->AS174 AS12637->AS1299 AS12779->AS2914 AS12779->AS6461 AS12779->AS3257 AS13237->AS1239 AS13237->AS2914 AS13237->AS3257 AS15562->AS2914 AS19151->AS2497 AS19151->AS2914 AS19151->AS6461 AS209 AS209 AS19151->AS209 AS20764->AS1239 AS20764->AS174 AS20764->AS3356 AS20811->AS3356 AS21700->AS174 AS21700->AS3257 AS24961->AS3356 AS29075->AS1239 AS29075->AS174 AS29075->AS1299 AS29075->AS3356 AS29075->AS5511 AS34549->AS3356 AS34549->AS3257 AS35280->AS2914 AS35280->AS6453 AS35280->AS6461 AS35280->AS1299 AS35280->AS3356 AS41095->AS2497 AS41095->AS6461 AS41095->AS3356 AS41327->AS1239 AS44684->AS2914 AS44684->AS1299 AS46997->AS6939 AS38008 AS38008 AS46997->AS38008 AS47147->AS2914 AS47147->AS3320 AS47147->AS9002 AS47147->AS1299 AS48362->AS9002 AS49434->AS3257 AS50304->AS6461 AS50304->AS1299 AS50629->AS2914 AS2518 AS2518 AS59105->AS2518 AS9370 AS9370 AS59105->AS9370 AS23520 AS23520 AS265721->AS23520 AS6939->AS2497 AS6939->AS7018 AS6939->AS701 AS8758->AS9002 AS15576 AS15576 AS8758->AS15576 AS8888->AS3356 AS13030->AS2497 AS13030->AS1299 AS25091->AS1239 AS25091->AS6453 AS25091->AS1299 AS25091->AS3257 AS25091->AS5511 AS35426->AS3257 AS58057->AS34549 AS58057->AS6939 AS30781 AS30781 AS204092->AS30781 AS34019 AS34019 AS204092->AS34019 AS174->AS1239 AS174->AS2497 AS174->AS2914 AS174->AS1299 AS174->AS7018 AS174->AS3356 AS174->AS3257 AS21320->AS6461 AS1299->AS2914 AS1299->AS3356 AS1299->AS3257 AS1299->AS701 AS3356->AS2497 AS3356->AS2914 AS3356->AS1299 AS3356->AS7018 AS3356->AS3257 AS3549 AS3549 AS3356->AS3549 AS3356->AS209 AS3356->AS701 AS3257->AS2497 AS3257->AS3356 AS209->AS3356 AS1273 AS1273 AS24785->AS1273 AS5511->AS7018 AS5511->AS701 AS1764->AS174 AS38008->AS174 AS38008->AS3356 AS23764 AS23764 AS38008->AS23764 AS23764->AS2914 AS23764->AS1299 AS23764->AS3257 AS7473 AS7473 AS23764->AS7473 AS7473->AS6461 AS2518->AS2914 AS2516 AS2516 AS2518->AS2516 AS9370->AS2914 AS9370->AS2516 AS2516->AS3356 AS2516->AS3257 AS2516->AS701 AS23520->AS1299 AS1273->AS701 AS15576->AS3257 AS30781->AS3356 AS30781->AS5511 AS29169 AS29169 AS34019->AS29169 AS29169->AS3257
AS12654 Combined Upstream Graph AS12654 AS12654 AS513 AS513 AS12654->AS513 AS1103 AS1103 AS12654->AS1103 AS1239 AS1239 AS12654->AS1239 AS1280 AS1280 AS12654->AS1280 AS2497 AS2497 AS12654->AS2497 AS2914 AS2914 AS12654->AS2914 AS3170 AS3170 AS12654->AS3170 AS3214 AS3214 AS12654->AS3214 AS3320 AS3320 AS12654->AS3320 AS6391 AS6391 AS12654->AS6391 AS6453 AS6453 AS12654->AS6453 AS6461 AS6461 AS12654->AS6461 AS6894 AS6894 AS12654->AS6894 AS8218 AS8218 AS12654->AS8218 AS8387 AS8387 AS12654->AS8387 AS8455 AS8455 AS12654->AS8455 AS8607 AS8607 AS12654->AS8607 AS9002 AS9002 AS12654->AS9002 AS12637 AS12637 AS12654->AS12637 AS12779 AS12779 AS12654->AS12779 AS13237 AS13237 AS12654->AS13237 AS15562 AS15562 AS12654->AS15562 AS19151 AS19151 AS12654->AS19151 AS20764 AS20764 AS12654->AS20764 AS20811 AS20811 AS12654->AS20811 AS21700 AS21700 AS12654->AS21700 AS24961 AS24961 AS12654->AS24961 AS29075 AS29075 AS12654->AS29075 AS34549 AS34549 AS12654->AS34549 AS35280 AS35280 AS12654->AS35280 AS41095 AS41095 AS12654->AS41095 AS41327 AS41327 AS12654->AS41327 AS44684 AS44684 AS12654->AS44684 AS46997 AS46997 AS12654->AS46997 AS47147 AS47147 AS12654->AS47147 AS48362 AS48362 AS12654->AS48362 AS49434 AS49434 AS12654->AS49434 AS50304 AS50304 AS12654->AS50304 AS50629 AS50629 AS12654->AS50629 AS59105 AS59105 AS12654->AS59105 AS265721 AS265721 AS12654->AS265721 AS6939 AS6939 AS12654->AS6939 AS8758 AS8758 AS12654->AS8758 AS8888 AS8888 AS12654->AS8888 AS13030 AS13030 AS12654->AS13030 AS25091 AS25091 AS12654->AS25091 AS35426 AS35426 AS12654->AS35426 AS58057 AS58057 AS12654->AS58057 AS204092 AS204092 AS12654->AS204092 AS174 AS174 AS513->AS174 AS21320 AS21320 AS513->AS21320 AS3257 AS3257 AS1103->AS3257 AS24785 AS24785 AS1103->AS24785 AS1299 AS1299 AS1280->AS1299 AS2497->AS2914 AS2497->AS6453 AS2497->AS6461 AS2497->AS174 AS2497->AS1299 AS7018 AS7018 AS2497->AS7018 AS3356 AS3356 AS2497->AS3356 AS5511 AS5511 AS2497->AS5511 AS2914->AS1239 AS2914->AS2497 AS2914->AS7018 AS2914->AS3257 AS701 AS701 AS2914->AS701 AS3170->AS3257 AS3214->AS1299 AS3214->AS3356 AS3214->AS5511 AS3320->AS2497 AS3320->AS7018 AS3320->AS701 AS6762 AS6762 AS3320->AS6762 AS6391->AS174 AS6391->AS3257 AS6453->AS1239 AS6453->AS2497 AS6453->AS3356 AS6461->AS1239 AS6461->AS2497 AS6461->AS7018 AS6461->AS701 AS6894->AS174 AS8218->AS6461 AS1764 AS1764 AS8387->AS1764 AS8455->AS3356 AS8607->AS3356 AS9002->AS1239 AS9002->AS1299 AS9002->AS3356 AS9002->AS3257 AS12637->AS2914 AS12637->AS174 AS12637->AS1299 AS12779->AS2914 AS12779->AS6461 AS12779->AS3257 AS13237->AS1239 AS13237->AS2914 AS13237->AS3257 AS15562->AS2914 AS19151->AS2497 AS19151->AS2914 AS19151->AS6461 AS209 AS209 AS19151->AS209 AS20764->AS1239 AS20764->AS174 AS20764->AS3356 AS20811->AS3356 AS21700->AS174 AS21700->AS3257 AS24961->AS3356 AS29075->AS1239 AS29075->AS174 AS29075->AS1299 AS29075->AS3356 AS29075->AS5511 AS34549->AS3356 AS34549->AS3257 AS35280->AS2914 AS35280->AS6453 AS35280->AS6461 AS35280->AS1299 AS35280->AS3356 AS41095->AS2497 AS41095->AS6461 AS41095->AS3356 AS41327->AS1239 AS44684->AS2914 AS44684->AS1299 AS46997->AS6939 AS38008 AS38008 AS46997->AS38008 AS47147->AS2914 AS47147->AS3320 AS47147->AS9002 AS47147->AS1299 AS48362->AS9002 AS49434->AS3257 AS50304->AS6461 AS50304->AS1299 AS50629->AS2914 AS2518 AS2518 AS59105->AS2518 AS9370 AS9370 AS59105->AS9370 AS23520 AS23520 AS265721->AS23520 AS6939->AS2497 AS6939->AS7018 AS6939->AS701 AS8758->AS9002 AS15576 AS15576 AS8758->AS15576 AS8888->AS3356 AS13030->AS2497 AS13030->AS1299 AS25091->AS1239 AS25091->AS6453 AS25091->AS1299 AS25091->AS3257 AS25091->AS5511 AS35426->AS3257 AS58057->AS34549 AS58057->AS6939 AS30781 AS30781 AS204092->AS30781 AS34019 AS34019 AS204092->AS34019 AS174->AS1239 AS174->AS2497 AS174->AS2914 AS174->AS1299 AS174->AS7018 AS174->AS3356 AS174->AS3257 AS21320->AS6461 AS1299->AS2914 AS1299->AS3356 AS1299->AS3257 AS1299->AS701 AS3356->AS2497 AS3356->AS2914 AS3356->AS1299 AS3356->AS7018 AS3356->AS3257 AS3549 AS3549 AS3356->AS3549 AS3356->AS209 AS3356->AS701 AS3257->AS2497 AS3257->AS3356 AS209->AS3356 AS1273 AS1273 AS24785->AS1273 AS5511->AS7018 AS5511->AS701 AS1764->AS174 AS38008->AS174 AS38008->AS3356 AS23764 AS23764 AS38008->AS23764 AS23764->AS2914 AS23764->AS1299 AS23764->AS3257 AS7473 AS7473 AS23764->AS7473 AS7473->AS6461 AS2518->AS2914 AS2516 AS2516 AS2518->AS2516 AS9370->AS2914 AS9370->AS2516 AS2516->AS3356 AS2516->AS3257 AS2516->AS701 AS23520->AS1299 AS1273->AS701 AS15576->AS3257 AS30781->AS3356 AS30781->AS5511 AS29169 AS29169 AS34019->AS29169 AS29169->AS3257

World Map

WHOIS Details

% This is the RIPE Database query service.
% The objects are in RPSL format.
% The RIPE Database is subject to Terms and Conditions.
% See https://docs.db.ripe.net/terms-conditions.html

% Information related to 'AS12654'

% Abuse contact for 'AS12654' is '[email protected]'

aut-num: AS12654
as-name: RIPE-NCC-RIS-AS
descr: Reseaux IP Europeens Network Coordination Centre (RIPE NCC)
remarks: RIPE NCC RIS project
remarks: http://www.ripe.net/ris/
remarks: The RIPE NCC RIS collects routing data using
remarks: several remote route collectors that peer
remarks: and store all updates and routes.
remarks: This information is made available to
remarks: the public in several ways
remarks: --------------------------
remarks: Different subsets of the routes in AS12654:RS-RIS are
remarks: announced at each location.
remarks: If you do not peer with RIS yet, please support us
remarks: by doing so. The RIS is a free, open service
remarks: set up to help operators, researchers and others.
remarks: Send in your peering requests through:
remarks: http://www.ris.ripe.net/cgi-bin/peerreg.cgi
status: ASSIGNED
created: 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z
last-modified: 2024-10-15T11:15:02Z
source: RIPE
admin-c: GII-RIPE
tech-c: GII-RIPE
remarks: === RRC00 at RIPE-NCC Multihop, Amsterdam, Netherlands ===
import: from AS-RIS-RRC00 action pref=100; accept ANY
export: to AS-RIS-RRC00 announce AS12654:RS-RIS
mp-import: from AS-RIS-RRC00 action pref=100; accept ANY
mp-export: to AS-RIS-RRC00 announce AS12654:RS-RIS
remarks: === RRC01 at LINX / LONAP, London, United Kingdom ===
import: from AS-RIS-RRC01 action pref=100; accept ANY
export: to AS-RIS-RRC01 announce AS12654:RS-RIS
mp-import: from AS-RIS-RRC01 action pref=100; accept ANY
mp-export: to AS-RIS-RRC01 announce AS12654:RS-RIS
remarks: === RRC03 at AMS-IX / NL-IX, Amsterdam, Netherlands ===
import: from AS-RIS-RRC03 action pref=100; accept ANY
export: to AS-RIS-RRC03 announce AS12654:RS-RIS
mp-import: from AS-RIS-RRC03 action pref=100; accept ANY
mp-export: to AS-RIS-RRC03 announce AS12654:RS-RIS
remarks: === RRC04 at CIXP, Geneva, Switzerland ===
import: from AS-RIS-RRC04 action pref=100; accept ANY
export: to AS-RIS-RRC04 announce AS12654:RS-RIS
mp-import: from AS-RIS-RRC04 action pref=100; accept ANY
mp-export: to AS-RIS-RRC04 announce AS12654:RS-RIS
remarks: === RRC05 at VIX, Vienna, Austria ===
import: from AS-RIS-RRC05 action pref=100; accept ANY
export: to AS-RIS-RRC05 announce AS12654:RS-RIS
mp-import: from AS-RIS-RRC05 action pref=100; accept ANY
mp-export: to AS-RIS-RRC05 announce AS12654:RS-RIS
remarks: === RRC06 at DIX-IE / JPIX, Tokyo, Japan ===
import: from AS-RIS-RRC06 action pref=100; accept ANY
export: to AS-RIS-RRC06 announce AS12654:RS-RIS
mp-import: from AS-RIS-RRC06 action pref=100; accept ANY
mp-export: to AS-RIS-RRC06 announce AS12654:RS-RIS
remarks: === RRC07 at Netnod, Stockholm, Sweden ===
import: from AS-RIS-RRC07 action pref=100; accept ANY
export: to AS-RIS-RRC07 announce AS12654:RS-RIS
mp-import: from AS-RIS-RRC07 action pref=100; accept ANY
mp-export: to AS-RIS-RRC07 announce AS12654:RS-RIS
remarks: === RRC10 at MIX, Milan, Italy ===
import: from AS-RIS-RRC10 action pref=100; accept ANY
export: to AS-RIS-RRC10 announce AS12654:RS-RIS
mp-import: from AS-RIS-RRC10 action pref=100; accept ANY
mp-export: to AS-RIS-RRC10 announce AS12654:RS-RIS
remarks: === RRC11 at NYIIX, New York City, New York, US ===
import: from AS-RIS-RRC11 action pref=100; accept ANY
export: to AS-RIS-RRC11 announce AS12654:RS-RIS
mp-import: from AS-RIS-RRC11 action pref=100; accept ANY
mp-export: to AS-RIS-RRC11 announce AS12654:RS-RIS
remarks: === RRC12 at DE-CIX, Frankfurt, Germany ===
import: from AS-RIS-RRC12 action pref=100; accept ANY
export: to AS-RIS-RRC12 announce AS12654:RS-RIS
mp-import: from AS-RIS-RRC12 action pref=100; accept ANY
mp-export: to AS-RIS-RRC12 announce AS12654:RS-RIS
remarks: === RRC13 at MSK-IX, Moscow, Russian Federation ===
import: from AS-RIS-RRC13 action pref=100; accept ANY
export: to AS-RIS-RRC13 announce AS12654:RS-RIS
mp-import: from AS-RIS-RRC13 action pref=100; accept ANY
mp-export: to AS-RIS-RRC13 announce AS12654:RS-RIS
remarks: === RRC14 at PAIX, Palo Alto, California, US ===
import: from AS-RIS-RRC14 action pref=100; accept ANY
export: to AS-RIS-RRC14 announce AS12654:RS-RIS
mp-import: from AS-RIS-RRC14 action pref=100; accept ANY
mp-export: to AS-RIS-RRC14 announce AS12654:RS-RIS
remarks: === RRC15 at PTTMetro, Sao Paulo, Brazil ===
import: from AS-RIS-RRC15 action pref=100; accept ANY
export: to AS-RIS-RRC15 announce AS12654:RS-RIS
mp-import: from AS-RIS-RRC15 action pref=100; accept ANY
mp-export: to AS-RIS-RRC15 announce AS12654:RS-RIS
remarks: === RRC16 at NOTA, Miami, Florida, US ===
import: from AS-RIS-RRC16 action pref=100; accept ANY
export: to AS-RIS-RRC16 announce AS12654:RS-RIS
mp-import: from AS-RIS-RRC16 action pref=100; accept ANY
mp-export: to AS-RIS-RRC16 announce AS12654:RS-RIS
remarks: === RRC18 at Catnix, Barcelona, Spain ===
import: from AS-RIS-RRC18 action pref=100; accept ANY
export: to AS-RIS-RRC18 announce AS12654:RS-RIS
mp-import: from AS-RIS-RRC18 action pref=100; accept ANY
mp-export: to AS-RIS-RRC18 announce AS12654:RS-RIS
remarks: === RRC19 at NAP Africa JB, Johannesburg, South Africa ===
import: from AS-RIS-RRC19 action pref=100; accept ANY
export: to AS-RIS-RRC19 announce AS12654:RS-RIS
mp-import: from AS-RIS-RRC19 action pref=100; accept ANY
mp-export: to AS-RIS-RRC19 announce AS12654:RS-RIS
remarks: === RRC20 at SwissIX, Zurich, Switzerland ===
import: from AS-RIS-RRC20 action pref=100; accept ANY
export: to AS-RIS-RRC20 announce AS12654:RS-RIS
mp-import: from AS-RIS-RRC20 action pref=100; accept ANY
mp-export: to AS-RIS-RRC20 announce AS12654:RS-RIS
remarks: === RRC21 at France-IX, Paris, France ===
import: from AS-RIS-RRC21 action pref=100; accept ANY
export: to AS-RIS-RRC21 announce AS12654:RS-RIS
mp-import: from AS-RIS-RRC21 action pref=100; accept ANY
mp-export: to AS-RIS-RRC21 announce AS12654:RS-RIS
remarks: === RRC22 at InterLAN, Bucharest, Romania ===
import: from AS-RIS-RRC22 action pref=100; accept ANY
export: to AS-RIS-RRC22 announce AS12654:RS-RIS
mp-import: from AS-RIS-RRC22 action pref=100; accept ANY
mp-export: to AS-RIS-RRC22 announce AS12654:RS-RIS
remarks: === RRC23 at Equinix SG, Singapore, Singapore ===
import: from AS-RIS-RRC23 action pref=100; accept ANY
export: to AS-RIS-RRC23 announce AS12654:RS-RIS
mp-import: from AS-RIS-RRC23 action pref=100; accept ANY
mp-export: to AS-RIS-RRC23 announce AS12654:RS-RIS
remarks: === RRC24 at LACNIC Multihop, Montevideo, Uruguay ===
import: from AS-RIS-RRC24 action pref=100; accept ANY
export: to AS-RIS-RRC24 announce AS12654:RS-RIS
mp-import: from AS-RIS-RRC24 action pref=100; accept ANY
mp-export: to AS-RIS-RRC24 announce AS12654:RS-RIS
remarks: === RRC25 at RIPE-NCC Multihop, Amsterdam, Netherlands ===
import: from AS-RIS-RRC25 action pref=100; accept ANY
export: to AS-RIS-RRC25 announce AS12654:RS-RIS
mp-import: from AS-RIS-RRC25 action pref=100; accept ANY
mp-export: to AS-RIS-RRC25 announce AS12654:RS-RIS
remarks: === RRC26 at UAE-IX, Dubai, UAE ===
import: from AS-RIS-RRC26 action pref=100; accept ANY
export: to AS-RIS-RRC26 announce AS12654:RS-RIS
mp-import: from AS-RIS-RRC26 action pref=100; accept ANY
mp-export: to AS-RIS-RRC26 announce AS12654:RS-RIS

organisation: ORG-RIEN1-RIPE
org-name: Reseaux IP Europeens Network Coordination Centre (RIPE NCC)
country: NL
org-type: LIR
descr: RIPE NCC Operations
address: P.O. Box 10096
address: 1001 EB
address: Amsterdam
phone: +31205354444
fax-no: +31205354445
e-mail: [email protected]
admin-c: MENN1-RIPE
admin-c: MDIR-RIPE
abuse-c: ops4-ripe
mnt-ref: RIPE-NCC-HM-MNT
mnt-ref: RIPE-NCC-MNT
mnt-by: RIPE-NCC-MNT
created: 2012-03-09T13:21:52Z
last-modified: 2023-12-05T13:40:03Z
source: RIPE

role: RIPE NCC Global Information Infrastructure Team
address: RIPE NCC
address: Stationsplein 11
address: 1012 AB Amsterdam
address: The Netherlands
phone: +31 20 535 4444
fax-no: +31 20 535 4445
e-mail: [email protected]
tech-c: ARHB-RIPE
tech-c: PDW
tech-c: FOBS
tech-c: HB6938-RIPE
tech-c: MG26819-RIPE
tech-c: MPLS-RIPE
tech-c: SMOT-RIPE
nic-hdl: GII-RIPE
mnt-by: RIPE-GII-MNT
notify: [email protected]
created: 2012-04-24T15:44:16Z
last-modified: 2024-02-02T14:13:27Z
source: RIPE

% This query was served by the RIPE Database Query Service version 1.114 (DEXTER)

% This is the RIPE Database query service.
% The objects are in RPSL format.
% The RIPE Database is subject to Terms and Conditions.
% See https://docs.db.ripe.net/terms-conditions.html

% Information related to 'AS12654'

% Abuse contact for 'AS12654' is '[email protected]'

aut-num: AS12654
as-name: RIPE-NCC-RIS-AS
descr: Reseaux IP Europeens Network Coordination Centre (RIPE NCC)
remarks: RIPE NCC RIS project
remarks: http://www.ripe.net/ris/
remarks: The RIPE NCC RIS collects routing data using
remarks: several remote route collectors that peer
remarks: and store all updates and routes.
remarks: This information is made available to
remarks: the public in several ways
remarks: --------------------------
remarks: Different subsets of the routes in AS12654:RS-RIS are
remarks: announced at each location.
remarks: If you do not peer with RIS yet, please support us
remarks: by doing so. The RIS is a free, open service
remarks: set up to help operators, researchers and others.
remarks: Send in your peering requests through:
remarks: http://www.ris.ripe.net/cgi-bin/peerreg.cgi
status: ASSIGNED
created: 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z
last-modified: 2024-10-15T11:15:02Z
source: RIPE
admin-c: GII-RIPE
tech-c: GII-RIPE
remarks: === RRC00 at RIPE-NCC Multihop, Amsterdam, Netherlands ===
import: from AS-RIS-RRC00 action pref=100; accept ANY
export: to AS-RIS-RRC00 announce AS12654:RS-RIS
mp-import: from AS-RIS-RRC00 action pref=100; accept ANY
mp-export: to AS-RIS-RRC00 announce AS12654:RS-RIS
remarks: === RRC01 at LINX / LONAP, London, United Kingdom ===
import: from AS-RIS-RRC01 action pref=100; accept ANY
export: to AS-RIS-RRC01 announce AS12654:RS-RIS
mp-import: from AS-RIS-RRC01 action pref=100; accept ANY
mp-export: to AS-RIS-RRC01 announce AS12654:RS-RIS
remarks: === RRC03 at AMS-IX / NL-IX, Amsterdam, Netherlands ===
import: from AS-RIS-RRC03 action pref=100; accept ANY
export: to AS-RIS-RRC03 announce AS12654:RS-RIS
mp-import: from AS-RIS-RRC03 action pref=100; accept ANY
mp-export: to AS-RIS-RRC03 announce AS12654:RS-RIS
remarks: === RRC04 at CIXP, Geneva, Switzerland ===
import: from AS-RIS-RRC04 action pref=100; accept ANY
export: to AS-RIS-RRC04 announce AS12654:RS-RIS
mp-import: from AS-RIS-RRC04 action pref=100; accept ANY
mp-export: to AS-RIS-RRC04 announce AS12654:RS-RIS
remarks: === RRC05 at VIX, Vienna, Austria ===
import: from AS-RIS-RRC05 action pref=100; accept ANY
export: to AS-RIS-RRC05 announce AS12654:RS-RIS
mp-import: from AS-RIS-RRC05 action pref=100; accept ANY
mp-export: to AS-RIS-RRC05 announce AS12654:RS-RIS
remarks: === RRC06 at DIX-IE / JPIX, Tokyo, Japan ===
import: from AS-RIS-RRC06 action pref=100; accept ANY
export: to AS-RIS-RRC06 announce AS12654:RS-RIS
mp-import: from AS-RIS-RRC06 action pref=100; accept ANY
mp-export: to AS-RIS-RRC06 announce AS12654:RS-RIS
remarks: === RRC07 at Netnod, Stockholm, Sweden ===
import: from AS-RIS-RRC07 action pref=100; accept ANY
export: to AS-RIS-RRC07 announce AS12654:RS-RIS
mp-import: from AS-RIS-RRC07 action pref=100; accept ANY
mp-export: to AS-RIS-RRC07 announce AS12654:RS-RIS
remarks: === RRC10 at MIX, Milan, Italy ===
import: from AS-RIS-RRC10 action pref=100; accept ANY
export: to AS-RIS-RRC10 announce AS12654:RS-RIS
mp-import: from AS-RIS-RRC10 action pref=100; accept ANY
mp-export: to AS-RIS-RRC10 announce AS12654:RS-RIS
remarks: === RRC11 at NYIIX, New York City, New York, US ===
import: from AS-RIS-RRC11 action pref=100; accept ANY
export: to AS-RIS-RRC11 announce AS12654:RS-RIS
mp-import: from AS-RIS-RRC11 action pref=100; accept ANY
mp-export: to AS-RIS-RRC11 announce AS12654:RS-RIS
remarks: === RRC12 at DE-CIX, Frankfurt, Germany ===
import: from AS-RIS-RRC12 action pref=100; accept ANY
export: to AS-RIS-RRC12 announce AS12654:RS-RIS
mp-import: from AS-RIS-RRC12 action pref=100; accept ANY
mp-export: to AS-RIS-RRC12 announce AS12654:RS-RIS
remarks: === RRC13 at MSK-IX, Moscow, Russian Federation ===
import: from AS-RIS-RRC13 action pref=100; accept ANY
export: to AS-RIS-RRC13 announce AS12654:RS-RIS
mp-import: from AS-RIS-RRC13 action pref=100; accept ANY
mp-export: to AS-RIS-RRC13 announce AS12654:RS-RIS
remarks: === RRC14 at PAIX, Palo Alto, California, US ===
import: from AS-RIS-RRC14 action pref=100; accept ANY
export: to AS-RIS-RRC14 announce AS12654:RS-RIS
mp-import: from AS-RIS-RRC14 action pref=100; accept ANY
mp-export: to AS-RIS-RRC14 announce AS12654:RS-RIS
remarks: === RRC15 at PTTMetro, Sao Paulo, Brazil ===
import: from AS-RIS-RRC15 action pref=100; accept ANY
export: to AS-RIS-RRC15 announce AS12654:RS-RIS
mp-import: from AS-RIS-RRC15 action pref=100; accept ANY
mp-export: to AS-RIS-RRC15 announce AS12654:RS-RIS
remarks: === RRC16 at NOTA, Miami, Florida, US ===
import: from AS-RIS-RRC16 action pref=100; accept ANY
export: to AS-RIS-RRC16 announce AS12654:RS-RIS
mp-import: from AS-RIS-RRC16 action pref=100; accept ANY
mp-export: to AS-RIS-RRC16 announce AS12654:RS-RIS
remarks: === RRC18 at Catnix, Barcelona, Spain ===
import: from AS-RIS-RRC18 action pref=100; accept ANY
export: to AS-RIS-RRC18 announce AS12654:RS-RIS
mp-import: from AS-RIS-RRC18 action pref=100; accept ANY
mp-export: to AS-RIS-RRC18 announce AS12654:RS-RIS
remarks: === RRC19 at NAP Africa JB, Johannesburg, South Africa ===
import: from AS-RIS-RRC19 action pref=100; accept ANY
export: to AS-RIS-RRC19 announce AS12654:RS-RIS
mp-import: from AS-RIS-RRC19 action pref=100; accept ANY
mp-export: to AS-RIS-RRC19 announce AS12654:RS-RIS
remarks: === RRC20 at SwissIX, Zurich, Switzerland ===
import: from AS-RIS-RRC20 action pref=100; accept ANY
export: to AS-RIS-RRC20 announce AS12654:RS-RIS
mp-import: from AS-RIS-RRC20 action pref=100; accept ANY
mp-export: to AS-RIS-RRC20 announce AS12654:RS-RIS
remarks: === RRC21 at France-IX, Paris, France ===
import: from AS-RIS-RRC21 action pref=100; accept ANY
export: to AS-RIS-RRC21 announce AS12654:RS-RIS
mp-import: from AS-RIS-RRC21 action pref=100; accept ANY
mp-export: to AS-RIS-RRC21 announce AS12654:RS-RIS
remarks: === RRC22 at InterLAN, Bucharest, Romania ===
import: from AS-RIS-RRC22 action pref=100; accept ANY
export: to AS-RIS-RRC22 announce AS12654:RS-RIS
mp-import: from AS-RIS-RRC22 action pref=100; accept ANY
mp-export: to AS-RIS-RRC22 announce AS12654:RS-RIS
remarks: === RRC23 at Equinix SG, Singapore, Singapore ===
import: from AS-RIS-RRC23 action pref=100; accept ANY
export: to AS-RIS-RRC23 announce AS12654:RS-RIS
mp-import: from AS-RIS-RRC23 action pref=100; accept ANY
mp-export: to AS-RIS-RRC23 announce AS12654:RS-RIS
remarks: === RRC24 at LACNIC Multihop, Montevideo, Uruguay ===
import: from AS-RIS-RRC24 action pref=100; accept ANY
export: to AS-RIS-RRC24 announce AS12654:RS-RIS
mp-import: from AS-RIS-RRC24 action pref=100; accept ANY
mp-export: to AS-RIS-RRC24 announce AS12654:RS-RIS
remarks: === RRC25 at RIPE-NCC Multihop, Amsterdam, Netherlands ===
import: from AS-RIS-RRC25 action pref=100; accept ANY
export: to AS-RIS-RRC25 announce AS12654:RS-RIS
mp-import: from AS-RIS-RRC25 action pref=100; accept ANY
mp-export: to AS-RIS-RRC25 announce AS12654:RS-RIS
remarks: === RRC26 at UAE-IX, Dubai, UAE ===
import: from AS-RIS-RRC26 action pref=100; accept ANY
export: to AS-RIS-RRC26 announce AS12654:RS-RIS
mp-import: from AS-RIS-RRC26 action pref=100; accept ANY
mp-export: to AS-RIS-RRC26 announce AS12654:RS-RIS

organisation: ORG-RIEN1-RIPE
org-name: Reseaux IP Europeens Network Coordination Centre (RIPE NCC)
country: NL
org-type: LIR
descr: RIPE NCC Operations
address: P.O. Box 10096
address: 1001 EB
address: Amsterdam
phone: +31205354444
fax-no: +31205354445
e-mail: [email protected]
admin-c: MENN1-RIPE
admin-c: MDIR-RIPE
abuse-c: ops4-ripe
mnt-ref: RIPE-NCC-HM-MNT
mnt-ref: RIPE-NCC-MNT
mnt-by: RIPE-NCC-MNT
created: 2012-03-09T13:21:52Z
last-modified: 2023-12-05T13:40:03Z
source: RIPE

role: RIPE NCC Global Information Infrastructure Team
address: RIPE NCC
address: Stationsplein 11
address: 1012 AB Amsterdam
address: The Netherlands
phone: +31 20 535 4444
fax-no: +31 20 535 4445
e-mail: [email protected]
tech-c: ARHB-RIPE
tech-c: PDW
tech-c: FOBS
tech-c: HB6938-RIPE
tech-c: MG26819-RIPE
tech-c: MPLS-RIPE
tech-c: SMOT-RIPE
nic-hdl: GII-RIPE
mnt-by: RIPE-GII-MNT
notify: [email protected]
created: 2012-04-24T15:44:16Z
last-modified: 2024-02-02T14:13:27Z
source: RIPE

% This query was served by the RIPE Database Query Service version 1.114 (DEXTER)


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What is an ASN?
Autonomous System Numbers (ASNs) are assigned to entities such as Internet Service Providers and other large organizations that control blocks of IP addresses. This network page, and the organization field that's shown on the main IP address information page and also returned in the geolocation API are based on the ASN.

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  • IP.CCPing

    Ping is a free tool to help you find IP addresses that can be pinged using the ICMP protocol. You can either lookup up an IP address or a CIDR block.

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    DNS is a technique used to determine the hostname associated with an IP address. This is done searching hostname registry and registrar tables for PTR records.

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  • IP.CCPort

    Port is a free tool for detecting open ports on your device. It automatically detects IP-address and scans your device, identifying open and vulnerable ports through which hackers.

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