Hosted Domains Data
Available in: Business, and Enterprise
Hosted Domains Data returns the total
count of domains being hosted on the IP address and a list of domains.
curl "$TOKEN"
{ ... "domains": { "ip": "", "total": 11606, "domains": [ "", "", "", "", "" ] } }
The number of domains returned per API request depends on the user's pricing tier:
- Business tier: Up to 5 domains are returned per API request.
- Enterprise tier: Up to 1,000 domains are returned per API request.
- Hosted Domains database download: Up to 1,000 domains are available per IP address entry.
Both Business and Enterprise users have access to a total of 1,000 domain names. However, on the Business tier, users must go through paginated records to access more domain names.
The documentation and API parameters for the Hosted Domains endpoint are available in the Hosted Domains API documentation section.